Candidly, K

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Don't Cheat On Your Girl 'Round Me

    Many times I've seen on social media or I hear, as Wendy Williams calls, "kitchen table talk", of close relatives or friends speak about being aware of their friend or family member stepping out out his/her (mainly his) relationship. Almost every single time, I kid you not, these family members have extended relationships with the partner who's being cheated on and chooses not to speak up- that bothers me.

    What's the right thing to do? I don't know about any of y'all, and I know a guy would call me a "snitch" or "disloyal", but I honestly don't care. There is no excuse for cheating and for you to be a "Mitch". I find it cowardly and disgusting for you to to play or lead any girl on if you're intentions aren't pure.

    For example, I coudn't allow myself to be around and friendly with a girl either of my brothers are with, knowing they are cheating. Yes, they are my brothers and I'm loyal to them always, but I am also on the side of the girlfriend for the simple fact that I am also a girl. I know how humiliated and betrayed I would be for everyone I am around to know I am being played, while I'm in the dark. We women all know how we would feel if we were in the shoes of the girlfriend being cheated on, so how can you feel comfortable witnessing it happening? 

    As a woman, I personally feel it's my duty to look out for the best interest of other women.

    When it's the case of me knowing the girl because my close guy friend introduced us because he wanted us to be cool and friendly, you're validating my "snitch-ation". You want me to have a relationship with her only when it benefits you? It doesn't work like that, my friend. Yes. majority of my loyalty is to you, but there's still a percentage of my loyalty to her and women in general, to not entertain nor partner with you in this crime.

    Now, with my loyalty to you in tact, my method would be different than airing out your dirty laundry, like an episode of Maury. Whether it's a semi subtle hint or a conversation telling her to talk to her man, light will be shed. It's unfair and it's disrepsectful and I promote healthy positive relationships no matter the situation.

    If there's a case where I may not know the girlfriend involved, I'm still uncomfortable with any guy I know personally, being a cheater. i will give you hell and take you on the worst guild trip. If you're going to do dirt, do your own dirt men and women, don't bring anyone else into your messy pig pin. And for those who stand around quiet or even making fun of someone else's horrible situation, think about how you would feel, and watch out because the next person you may meet, name may be Karma.