All Posts [Don't] Matter- Social Media Activism
I don't know what the world is coming to, but it's nothing short of a f*ing shame. It seems as if everyday another Black person has been murdered by the police. Rights are being ignored and due process has gone out of the window. With each slaying there's been an undoubtedly large increase in social media activism. Account after account is dedicated to exposing the injustices happening in the world and how the justice system is failing Black people. Almost everyday this week just about everyone has posted something pertaining to the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. I've read several posts as well as "liked" several posts. Everything was good. Information was being spread and exchanged, I suppose, the best way it can actually be spread these days (on social media) for the news and CNN is rendering every viewer seemingly ignorant to all of the happenings in these cases of police brutality. I get more information and updates on the cases on social media than the actual news. More in depth truthful information. No bias viewer swaying character assassinations of the Black victims while painting those with dirty hands, a clean image of innocence.
Another thing that I did see on social media from my followers were posts that pretty much attacked those who hadn't posted anything about the cases, the victims or the support of the BlackLivesMatter movement. I saw several posts from different people calling out those of us who hadn't posted because obviously we "didn't care" or was uninterested. It bothered me because I hadn't posted anything and I know damn well that I care about every victim. And I know damn well that I too am angered by the bullshit that is happening in our world. Why does the absence of a post equate to the absence of empathy or interest. Why can't the absence of a post only simply mean that?
I can only speak for myself here and I can tell you why I didn't post anything. Other than the fact that I believe me liking other posts acknowledging another's words and thoughts is enough, another reason is, I honestly don't know what else to say. I don't know what I can say that'll be different from what someone else has already said. "It's a disgusting". "It's unjust". "It's fucking despicable". I don't know what else I could say that would be more or just about as impacting as something someone else has already said a million times.
Also in addition to not knowing what to say, I actually feel that me saying anything is useless. My one post or even a hundred posts aren't going to do anything and I don't know what I could say to do anything- anything that could change the current state of our government/law enforcement system. I feel lost. I don't know what we as a people and my peers have to do to ignite the flame. It seems, when I look at the bigger picture, as if everything so far is being ignored. The police don't care. The judges who aren't finding these cops guilty don't care. What will it take for that "aha" moment to happen? I don't know. Inside I am very worried about the future of us as a people. I am worried about what condition the world will be in by the time I want to have children. I don't want my children to suffer by any means. Yes, I'm nervous and scared for the men in my life and even the women.
I don't lack the interest and I am proud of being Black and I am with the movement one hundred percent so just because I didn't dedicate one post, don't count me out and don't count out every other person that didn't dedicate a post. Not all people are as expressive about how they feel about certain issues and that's fine, it doesn't mean they don't care. And it definitely doesn't mean they won't take action when it's time.
Social media posts cannot accurately depict anyone's heart or true intentions. Bullying someone because of how you think they should act and how you assume they feel due to their failure to post about it and is unfair. I don't expect every single Black person to be a Martin Luther King or Malcolm X. For me personally, I am not the most informed about all things Black. I can admit when I am ignorant to some things and I prefer to allow those who are more educated on our issues get the shine they deserve. Teach me. I believe it's better for those who are more equipped to fight the battle, LEAD. Lead us to the place where we need to be. Don't get me wrong, I definitely believe every Black person and those non-Black who support and love us and our culture should stand in support of us, our issues and the unlawful things we are forced to endure, but again I still thinks it's unfair to expect strong political actions or statements from everyone. We ain't all build like that and that's fine. Besides, I feel it would be counterproductive to our goal to have the wrong representation. Basically, we don't need the wrong people saying the wrong shit.
I hope there's someone out there who can feel what I'm saying.