Chill or No Chill?

Chill or No Chill?

   Are you down with "Netflix and Chill"? It's kind of like my generation's 'O.P.P'.  I'm sure y'all know what 'Netflix and chill' means, but for the record, 'Netflix and chill' is basically code for hooking up. Just a more polite code way for some to ask for a lil booty call. There was a time where 'Netflix and chill' was used in the literal form, but don't get it twisted, if someone asks you to over for 'Netflix and chill', 8/10 if you agree, you may be agreeing to implement a sexual encounter.

   I honestly think this term was coined by men of course, lol. It seems like men are always trying to find some way of tricking and maneuvering their way into a girl's Love Pink panties. Men are players and this phrase is just another way of saying "come over". If a guy hits you with the "Can you come over?", we already know what that implies and we'll tell you upfront that we don't roll like that and aren't here for a premature sexual rendezvous. But now, here comes the new and improved 2015 player with 'Netflix and chill. Men are packaging a quickie with nice and informal-in home date wrapping. 

   What use to be a relaxed home date where food is nicely prepared, a movie is carefully selected and you get to know each other more through pleasant conversation, is now ordering food and throwing on any movie, all the while waiting and killing time for the perfect moment to start kissing on that neck.

    Ladies, don't be fooled by this little trend and please don't settle for this mediocre attempt at "dating" because it's the farthest from an actual date and you deserve to be taken out and wooed. Any man, that really wants to get to know you won't mind putting in the work.

       On the flip side, men aren't the only ones who're down with 'Netflix and chill'. There's a new wave of women being empowered about their sexuality and aren't afraid to embrace their high sex drive because hey, it's completely normal. This new age of women are creating their own businesses and building their own careers. They don't have don't have time to deal with the complications that come with trying to build with a man; they don't have time for mental and emotional attachment. These women are taking matters in their own hands and initiating 'Netflix and chill' solely for the fulfillment of their sexual needs. I'm so here for this. Men do it, why shouldn't women? It's time women flip the script. If it's works for you, get yours, girl.

   Now me? The only way I'm down with 'Netflix and chill' is when it's between my boyfriend and I, and even then it's used in a the literal sense. When we 'Netflix and chill' we watch Netflix, order food, and chill. There're horror movies and hella cuddling involved.

    This non-literal meaning of 'Netflix and chill' is a mess to me, lol. It's for the persons who're happily single and are okay with one night stands or being friends with benefits. Unless, there's some sort of understanding or if you're in a relationship with the person, Netflix and chilling may not be for you. Don't be bamboozled, if you agree to 'Netflix and chill' make sure you know exactly what you're getting into.


Are you down with 'Netflix and chill'? Comment! I'm curious to see what you guys have to say.




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