Candidly, K

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Peace Out 2015!

The year is almost over and it's prompted me to reevaluate this past year.

   A few months ago at the start of fall I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself for not living up the expectations I created for myself since the end of my semester at school.

   See, from January to May I was living in San Francisco, California attending Academy of Art University for Fashion Journalism. Before, you ask, no, I do not want to work in the fashion industry, lol -- I want to write and the journalism program there is lit so I didn't mind the concentration being on fashion because hey, I can dress right? Lol. It was far more than just clothes and sewing believe me, but all in all it was the best, most interesting and enlightening experience of my life thus far.

   San Francisco was very different from D.C. It was a beautifully architectured city and where I lived was a 7 minute walk from Union Square-- the heart of it. It was new, exciting, refreshing and an experience that further sculpted me into a more responsible and independent woman. Having so many familiar faces tell me that I'm "not going" with a ridiculous lack of optimism, support, and shid, HELP, gave me the sight to see that in life you may have to be your own one man band and cheerleader, but if you really want something, it's definitely possible with work and perseverance.

   After a brilliant semester, I was on my way home. With my babe by my side on that plane we headed back to the District with a dream manifested and a longing for more. We wanted to live! That small taste of life was such a tease.

   I had a plan. If you've read one of my previous posts you'll know of that plan and you'll also know that plan didn't work out the least. You'll know how crushed and depressed my "failure" made me, but you'll also know my optimistic nature. 

   It took me a while to find that silver lining, but I did.

   I thought I finally found a school home and this is where I would do the standard four years and graduate, but all of the monkey wrenches made me feel that maybe it isn't in the plan (for my life). Maybe my experience there was just a stepping stone on my path.

    When I think about the time I spent away at school compared to how I spend my days home, a feeling of mediocrity comes upon me, but after further thinking, I realize that although I'm back in the same place physically, I have grown beyond where I was mentally, and for that I am satisfied and appreciative.

   There's a slight chance I may never re-enroll into AAU, but if I hadn't ventured off to San Fran, I would've never gained the knowledge for creating and running a blog or even the want to. I would've never come to the realization that being a [advice] columnist was what I wanted to do with my life and this blog would've never come to be.

   My 2015 was full of tests, in my life and my relationships. The experiences I made constructed me into this person with more vision, more purpose and more direction. I've gained the confidence of knowing I can fulfill a dream and for that, thank you year twenty-fifteen.